1.China and the ASEAN Member States shall become Members of the Centre by becoming Contracting Parties to this Memorandum of Understanding in accordance with Article XXV.
2. Ventures and organizations can apply, through the ASEANChina Centre Secretariat, to become Associates of the Centre. The approval criteria, terms and conditions of joining the Centre as Associates shall be determined by the Joint Council. Ventures and organizations shall pay association dues.
The operation of the Centre shall be governed by three bodies: the policy-making body, the advisory body, and the Secretariat. The policy-making body is the highest authority represented by the Joint Council. The advisory body provides policy advice to the Secretariat and is represented by the Joint Executive Board. The Secretariat is the operating body responsible directly to the Joint Executive Board and the Joint Council.
Joint Council
1.The Joint Council shall be the policy-making body and provide policy directives for the Centre.
2.The Joint Council shall comprise the members of the ASEANChina Joint Cooperation Committee.
3.The Joint Council shall be the supreme organ of the Centre and exercise the powers and functions to:
a) determine the general policies governing the activities of the Centre;
b) approve the plan of operation and work programme concerning the operation of the Centre;
c) approve the annual work programme and the annual budget of revenues and expenditures of the Centre within the framework of the plan of operation and work programme as proposed by the Joint Executive Board;
d) approve the annual report on the operation of the Centre;
e) determine the powers and functions to be entrusted to the Joint Executive Board;
f) approve the appointment of the Secretary-General;
g) consider and approve the expansion of areas of cooperation besides those referred to in Article I;
h) adopt its own rules and procedure to be the norms and basic regulations for the running of the Centre;
i) decide on the disposal of the property and assets of the Centre in case of the dissolution of the Centre, and on any other matters connected with the dissolution; and
j) decide on and/or approve other important matters concerning the Centre.
4. All the decisions of the Joint Council shall be made by consensus.