Official Language
The official language of the Centre shall be English.
1.The ASEAN Member States and China shall contribute to the Centre, in accordance with an amount of money to be agreed by Contracting Parties necessary for the operation of the Centre. The Members shall also take into account the importance of maintaining the sustainability of the funding sources with regard to the implementation of the Centre’s goals.
2.The expenses borne by China shall be as follows:
a) the rent of the office(s) occupied by the Centre in the territory of China; and
b) the wages, insurance fees and other expenses necessary to hire staff who are nationals of China.
3.The expenses borne by ASEAN shall be the wages, insurance fees and other expenses necessary to hire staff who are nationals of the ASEAN Member States.
4.The expenses necessary for the Centre to execute its regular functions performed in the territory of China and the expenses necessary for the Centre to carry out activities shall be borne by the Parties in the following proportion: China 90% and ASEAN Member States 10%.
5.The Centre shall secure funding from the Chinese and ASEAN private sector, including rental fees for exhibition space, association dues, activities charges and sponsorship of activities, with the eventual goal of being financially independent to support various activities of the Centre.
6.The statement of financial account of the Centre shall be annually examined and duly approved by external auditor in accordance with international accounting standards.
Juridical Personality
Under the law of China, the Centre shall possess juridical personality. It shall have the capacity:
a) to enter into a contract;
b) to acquire and dispose of movable and immovable property; and
c) to institute legal proceedings.